These Terms of Service have been created in Japanese, and the English version is provided through machine translation. Only original Japanese version will be valid in official..If you have any questions or concerns, we kindly request that you contact us through the inquiry form.

Rewire Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby stipulates the following matters concerning the personal information of customers handled by the Company, including names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses, cookie information, information regarding communication devices, and any other information that can identify customers (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”), in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”).

We do not provide services to individuals or entities within the European Economic Area (EEA), nor do we collect information for the purpose of retargeting advertising to individuals within the EEA.

Privacy Policy


We will comply with the Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, other relevant laws and regulations, and guidelines related to the protection of personal information.

Personal information will be handled safely under strict control and efforts will be made to prevent unauthorized access, loss, or leakage of information.

We will use the personal information we receive only within the scope of the purpose of use. Recognizing the importance of protecting personal information, we will endeavor to protect personal information in accordance with the following policy, which defines our privacy policy.

Scope of Personal Information

The personal information we receive from our customers generally includes the following

When a customer makes an inquiry to us

  • Information about the customer, such as name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address
  • Details of your inquiry to us
  • Your opinions and impressions about us and our services

When you visit our website

  • Information about the customer, such as IP address, cookie information, information about the information communication terminal, and location information

When you receive notices from us or our business partners

  • Customer information such as name, e-mail address, etc.
  • Information about the customer such as IP address, cookie information, information about the information communication terminal, location information, etc.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company will use personal information provided by customers within the scope of the following purposes in the following categories.

  1. To conduct questionnaire surveys for the purpose of service development or service improvement for customers by e-mail, telephone, or printed materials regarding the Company’s services, various events, campaigns, etc.
  2. To respond to inquiries and opinions from customers regarding our company and our services
  3. To contact customers.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We will not disclose personal information provided by our customers to any third party, except in the following cases

Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address

  1. When we need to contact you regarding our services
  2. In order to respond to inquiries or opinions from customers.
  3. To inform you of services, events, campaigns, etc. of the Company or companies with which the Company has business relationships
  4. To conduct research on the services of the Company and its business partners, and to use the results to improve the services
  5. To collect information, analyze, and conduct marketing activities such as questionnaires for the purpose of developing new services and improving services to customers of the Company and companies with which the Company has business relationships
  6. To send, distribute, or display direct mail, e-mail magazines, and other advertisements from us or our business partners to you based on your consent or within the scope and by the means permitted by law.

Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, IP address, cookie information, and location information

  1. To conduct research on services offered by the Company and its business partners, and to use the information to improve the services.

Cookie Information

We may use cookie information for retargeting, including advertisements to attract customers and recruit job seekers, and based on records of access to our website, third party distributors, including Google and Facebook, may place advertisements for us and our business partners on various sites on the Internet. Based on records of access to the Company’s website, advertisements of the Company and companies with which the Company has business alliances may be placed on various websites. Cookie information will be used in accordance with the privacy policy of each third-party service provider and within the scope described on the third-party service provider’s website.

You may disable the use of cookie information by accessing the opt-out page on each third-party website or the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page.

Google (
Facebook (
Network Advertising Initiative (

Access Analysis

We use Google Analytics to collect and analyze access logs in order to research and improve the services provided by us and our business partners.

For more information on how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics, please read here (

Ensuring Accuracy

We strive to keep personal information up to date and to correct any errors or omissions.

Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information

We will not disclose or provide personal information provided by customers to any third party, and will not sell or rent personal information to any third party for any purpose without the consent of the customer, except in any of the following cases

  1. When we have the consent of the customer himself/herself
  2. When required by law, ordinance, or other relevant authorities
  3. When entrusting personal information to a subcontractor that complies with our “Personal Information Handling Policy” to the extent necessary to carry out the purpose of use of personal information.
  4. When disclosure to third parties is permitted by other laws and regulations

Access, correction, deletion, and transfer of personal information

You may request us to access, correct, delete, or transfer your personal information held by us about you. Upon receiving a request from a customer, we will respond to the request within reasonable limits without delay after confirming the identity of the customer. In addition, the customer may change his or her intention to receive e-mail newsletters, etc., at any time in accordance with a method separately determined by the Company.

Retention and deletion of personal information

We will retain your personal information for as long as we need to use it, but will promptly delete it when no longer necessary.

Our Policy on Children

If we learn that you are under the age of 18, we will obtain your parent’s or guardian’s consent before collecting your personal information, If you are under 18 years of age, please make sure that your parent or guardian has reviewed this Privacy Policy before using our services, and that your parent or guardian, not you, has given consent.


We are committed to handling personal information at a high level of information security, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of your personal information, to maintain the accuracy of your personal information, and to properly dispose of your personal information when necessary. In the event of a breach of personal information that may adversely affect the rights of a customer, we will immediately notify the customer in question.

Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

The Company will determine the purpose and method of use of customers’ personal information.Inquiries regarding customers’ personal information should be directed to

Rewire Inc.
Lattice Aoyama Square 3F, 1-2-6 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo (In Feedforce Group, Inc.)
Inquiries: 050-3032-2828

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may change or revise this Privacy Policy, including the scope and purpose of use of your personal information, from time to time in response to legal changes or business needs, and we will disclose the latest information on our website in the event of any change or revision.

October 14, 2020 Establishment
March 1, 2022 Updated
September 1, 2023 Updated

Hideya Kato, Representative Director, Rewire Inc.